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Kicks off a render process on Remotion Lambda. The progress can be tracked using getRenderProgress().

Requires a function to already be deployed to execute the render.
A site or a Serve URL needs to be specified to determine what will be rendered.


import { renderMediaOnLambda } from "@remotion/lambda/client";
const { bucketName, renderId } = await renderMediaOnLambda({
region: "us-east-1",
functionName: "remotion-render-bds9aab",
composition: "MyVideo",
codec: "h264",
import { renderMediaOnLambda } from "@remotion/lambda/client";
const { bucketName, renderId } = await renderMediaOnLambda({
region: "us-east-1",
functionName: "remotion-render-bds9aab",
composition: "MyVideo",
codec: "h264",

Preferrably import this function from @remotion/lambda/client to avoid problems inside serverless functions.


An object with the following properties:


In which region your Lambda function is deployed. It's highly recommended that your Remotion site is also in the same region.


optional since v3.2.27

One of:

  • "public" (default): The rendered media is publicly accessible under the S3 URL.
  • "private": The rendered media is not publicly available, but signed links can be created using presignUrl().
  • "no-acl" (available from v.3.1.7): The ACL option is not being set at all, this option is useful if you are writing to another bucket that does not support ACL using outName.


The name of the deployed Lambda function. Use deployFunction() to create a new function and getFunctions() to obtain currently deployed Lambdas.



The video rendering process gets distributed across multiple Lambda functions. This setting controls how many frames are rendered per Lambda invocation. The lower the number you pass, the more Lambdas get spawned.

Default value: Dependant on video length
Minimum value: 4


The framesPerLambda parameter cannot result in more than 200 functions being spawned. See: Concurrency


A URL pointing to a Remotion project. Use deploySite() to deploy a Remotion project.


The id of the composition you want to render.


optional since v3.2.27

React props that are passed to your composition. You define the shape of the props that the component accepts.


Which codec should be used to encode the video.

Video codecs h264 and vp8 are supported, prores is supported since v3.2.0.

Audio codecs mp3, aac and wav are also supported.

The option h264-mkv has been renamed to just h264 since v3.3.34. Use h264 to get the same behavior.

See also renderMedia() -> codec.


"pcm-16" | "aac" | "mp3" | "opus", available from v3.3.41

Choose the encoding of your audio.

  • Each Lambda chunk might actually choose an uncompressed codec and convert it in the final encoding stage to prevent audio artifacts.
  • The default is dependent on the chosen codec.
  • Choose pcm-16 if you need uncompressed audio.
  • Not all video containers support all audio codecs.
  • This option takes precedence if the codec option also specifies an audio codec.

Refer to the Encoding guide to see defaults and supported combinations.


available from v3.2.40

Overrides default composition height.


available from v3.2.40

Overrides default composition width.


Disables audio output. See also renderMedia() -> muted.


optional since v3.2.27

See renderMedia() -> imageFormat.


See renderMedia() -> crf.


See renderMedia() -> envVariables.


See renderMedia() -> pixelFormat.


See renderMedia() -> proResProfile.


See renderMedia() -> quality.


See renderMedia() -> audioBitrate.


See renderMedia() -> videoBitrate.


optional since v3.2.27, default 1

How often a chunk may be retried to render in case the render fails. If a rendering of a chunk is failed, the error will be reported in the getRenderProgress() object and retried up to as many times as you specify using this option.



Scales the output dimensions by a factor. See Scaling to learn more about this feature.



The file name of the media output.

It can either be:

  • undefined - it will default to out plus the appropriate file extension, for example: renders/${renderId}/out.mp4.
  • A string - it will get saved to the same S3 bucket as your site under the key renders/{renderId}/{outName}.
  • An object if you want to render to a different bucket or cloud provider - see here for detailed instructions



A number describing how long the render may take to resolve all delayRender() calls before it times out. Default: 30000


optional, available from v2.6.5

Allows you to set certain Chromium / Google Chrome flags. See: Chromium flags.


optional, available from v3.0.30

By default, each Lambda function renders with concurrency 1 (one open browser tab). You may use the option to customize this value.


optional, available from v3.1

Renders only every nth frame. For example only every second frame, every third frame and so on. Only works for rendering GIFs. See here for more details.


optional, available since v3.1

Set the looping behavior. This option may only be set when rendering GIFs. See here for more details.


optional, available since v3.1.5

How the output file should behave when accessed through the S3 output link in the browser.

  • {"type": "play-in-browser"} - the default. The video will play in the browser.
  • {"type": "download", fileName: null} or {"type": "download", fileName: "download.mp4"} - a Content-Disposition header will be added which makes the browser download the file. You can optionally override the filename.


boolean - default false

This will most notably disable CORS among other security features.


boolean - default false

Results in invalid SSL certificates, such as self-signed ones, being ignored.



Select the OpenGL renderer backend for Chromium. Accepted values:

  • "angle",
  • "egl",
  • "swiftshader"
  • "swangle"
  • null - Chromiums default

The default for Lambda is swangle, but null elsewhere.


available from v3.2.25

If a custom out name is specified and a file already exists at this key in the S3 bucket, decide whether that file will be deleted before the render begins. Default false.

An existing file at the output S3 key will conflict with the render and must be deleted beforehand. If this setting is false and a conflict occurs, an error will be thrown.


optional, available from v3.3.38

If specified, this function will be used for rendering the individual chunks. This is useful if you want to use a function with higher or lower power for rendering the chunks than the main orchestration function.

If you want to use this option, the function must be in the same region, the same account and have the same version as the main function.


optional, available from v3.2.30

If specified, Remotion will send a POST request to the provided endpoint to notify your application when the Lambda rendering process finishes, errors out or times out.

import { RenderMediaOnLambdaInput } from "@remotion/lambda";
const webhook: RenderMediaOnLambdaInput["webhook"] = {
url: "",
secret: process.env.WEBHOOK_SECRET as string,
import { RenderMediaOnLambdaInput } from "@remotion/lambda";
const webhook: RenderMediaOnLambdaInput["webhook"] = {
url: "",
secret: process.env.WEBHOOK_SECRET as string,

If you don't want to set up validation, you can set secret to null:

import { RenderMediaOnLambdaInput } from "@remotion/lambda";
const webhook: RenderMediaOnLambdaInput["webhook"] = {
url: "",
secret: null,
import { RenderMediaOnLambdaInput } from "@remotion/lambda";
const webhook: RenderMediaOnLambdaInput["webhook"] = {
url: "",
secret: null,


optional, available from v3.3.42

Specify a specific bucket name to be used. This is not recommended, instead let Remotion discover the right bucket automatically.

See here for detailed instructions on how to set up your webhook.

Return value

Returns a promise resolving to an object containing two properties: renderId, bucketName, cloudWatchLogs. Those are useful for passing to getRenderProgress()


A unique alphanumeric identifier for this render. Useful for obtaining status and finding the relevant files in the S3 bucket.


The S3 bucket name in which all files are being saved.


available from v3.2.10

A link to CloudWatch (if you haven't disabled it) that you can visit to see the logs for the render.


available from v3.2.43

A link to the folder in the AWS console where each chunk and render is located.

See also